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Kühlen mit Nibe F1155 und PCM42

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  •  Michiel
5.7. - 16.7.2020
6 Antworten | 3 Autoren 6

My german is very bad. So I hope you can read some English. emoji

I'm struggling with the heat and cooling curves. I try to control my house temperature based on the outdoor temperature(AT) only. I have set in menu 4.9.2 the filterzeit to 24h, the heat stop to 12 and the cooling start to 18 degrees. I try to control the cooling with the cooling curve set in menu menu The minimum of this curve is controlled with the minimum vorlauf (VL) temperature set in menu But how about the maximum? I cannot find it in the menus. For Heizung it is in menu 5.1.2. But is the maximum for cooling?

Another question. The cooling starts when the 24h average outdoor temperature is below 18. But when does it stop if the room temperature sensor for cooling in menu 1.9.5 is disabled? It's getting a littlebit too cold in house emoji



  •  Peter2
  •   Bronze-Award
5.7.2020  (#1)
Minimal at cooling is equals to maximum at heating. That means that vl will not bee cooler than min vl and not bee hotter than max vl. This will save the floor from damage. (craks cause of overheating and condansation cause of airhuminity). 15 degrees Celsius is best preset of min vl. 
If it gets to cold in the hause Set cooling curve flater. Its like with the heating curve. You have to try out Till you get the best settings. 

  •  Michiel
5.7.2020  (#2)
Hi Peter,

Thanx, if I understand you well; you mean the maximum of the cooling curve equals the minimum of the heating curve. This makes sense. But if I set this minimum VL VL [Vorlauf] temperature in menu at 24 degrees the maximum of the cooling curve  stays 20.

So are you sure about this?

And the seconden question. I know when the heating stops. It's when GM becomes 0 But the cooling doesn't seem to work with GM. So how does the heatpump know when it must stop cooling?



  •  Peter2
  •   Bronze-Award
6.7.2020  (#3)
The GM is only for regulating the frequezy of the compressor. At passiv cooling is no compressor aktiv. So there you dont need GM for cooling.
The regulation of Temperatur is only by the Bypass valve of the heat exchanger. This valve is controled by the cooling curve. The minimum vl setting is only to save yor floor from condansation. The rest of the settings are for controlling the vl temperatur. At minimum vl at 24 degrees you will not have anny cooling.
Passiv cooling is effizient when it runns verry long. If it is too cold in the hause you make the cooling curve flater. The vl will rise up slow.


  •  Michiel
6.7.2020  (#4)
But in cooling mode if the average outdoor temp is for instance 20.2 degees, the max of 20 degrees is too cold in the long run. Making the curve flatter doesn't help (the room temp. will become too cold (20) in the end) I think i need a higher max setting or a way to stop the cooling mode...

  •  JanRi
  •   Gold-Award
7.7.2020  (#5)
Two remarks:

First, the PCM42 is controlled different from the PC mode of the PC model. Therefore, experiences and settings from PC model may not help here.

Second: You could try to activate room temperature impact with a factor of, e.g., 2. This way, if the room becomes too cold, the cool curve is increased by an appropriate value. If room is 0.5K too cold, cool curve is increased by 1K. 

  •  Michiel
16.7.2020  (#6)

I still have troubles to understand the way cooling is supposed to go off. I have deactivated menu 1.9.4. and from the link below I can confirm that indeed also menu 1.9.5 doesn't do anything in auto mode. If I set the cooling to go off 0.5 degrees below the setpoint of 22 degrees. It doens't turn off if RMU/BT50 reaches 21.5 degrees.

But if this doesn't work how else is it supposed to go off. There's also no way (at least I didn't find this setting) to set the cooling curve higher than 20 degrees... 

Besides the method of @janRi the only method I can think off is to activate  curve 0 in menu and set the VL VL [Vorlauf] to 22 degrees for low outdoor temperatures in menu Is this the only way to do it?



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